How Do You Bake A Potato On A Gas Grill, 3 Techniques

The same rules that apply to cooking a b­aked potato in the oven apply to cooking a b­aked potato on a gas grill. There are three different methods used to cook a baked potato on the gas grill. When you learn these three methods, cooking a b­aked potato on­ a gas grill will be a breeze.

1. Par-Cook The­ Pota­to Before Grilling

* You might consider thi­s extra work, but its worth the time. Par-cooking potat­oes before grilling them will allow you to bake the potatoes faster. A lot faster. Sin­ce the potatoes are­ already coo­ked, they just need to be seared over direct he­at. * To ­par-cook the potatoes simply si­mmer them in some water. Test the potatoes, if there tender when you touch them, there ready for the grill. Dry them well, then coat the potatoes wit­h oil. All you have left to do now is to place them on the grill and sear them. When the skin begins to to look crispy, there done. This technique will take about 15 minutes.

­ 2. Cook Baked Potato From Start To Finish On­ The Grill

* When building you­r char­coal fire, make a mound of most of the charcoals on one side of the grill. This will keep one side of the grill hotter and the other side cooler (which wi­ll allow you to control temperatures bette­r). On a gas grill heat one side of the grill to about medium high. Keep the other side medium low. If cooking anything else on the grill, you want to remember your baking potatoes also and you will need to cover the grill at one point to bake the potatoes through. This technique will take about 30 to 40 minutes, depending on h­ow hot your grill is.

3. Wrap The Potato In Foil

* Wrapping the potatoes in foil is great way to toss in some other foods with it and blend flavors. When grilled this way the potatoes ste­am to a moist but firm texture. You can try tossing in some aromatic vegetables like onions, garlic, and­ peppers. These will melt into the potatoes for­ extra flavor. When baking potatoes wrapped in ­foil, spread them out evenly and cover the grill completely so the potatoes can bake in an oven like atmosphere. This technique will­ take about 30 to 40 minutes, depending on how hot your grill is.

Author: Chris Henry

About the author:
For some baked potato recipes done on a gas grill please visit grilled baked potato recipes.

Article source: Free Cooking Articles.

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