Lately I have been slow smoking meats using only salt as a seasoning. This approach has provided nice versatility in including the meats in pretty much any style of cooking. Since Christmas though the inspiration has been David Chang's bold, refined, pork fueled take on Asian/American cooking detailed in his Momofuku cookbook.
First up were Pork Shoulders I used for a Bo Ssam feast with the IQue team a few weeks ago. Slices of pork shoulder garnished with Kimchi, ginger scallion scallion sauce, and freshly harvested Cape Cod oysters wrapped in butter lettuce. I could eat this 7 days a week.

Next up, The Kimchi stew starts with some salted and smoked 1/2 chickens. The backs were used to make a stock.

David Chang's Cabbage Kimchi
Some garnish chopped with my incredibly sharp and incredibly cheap Kiwi Brand knife.
There are very few dishes that are not improved with the inclusion of a soft cooked egg.
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