It is one of those falldays that makes me just thrilled to be outside. The temps are cool,a light breeze is rolling across the valley and the sky is so blue italmost hurts my eyes. The only thing missing the the smell ofhickory smoke in the fall air but I plan to change that shortly.
I am going to enjoy theday on the deck, smoking. I really don't even know what I am goingto smoke this minute but I am going to spend this day outside. Oncethe sun goes down and the temps drop even more, we will light thefire pit for the first time this fall.
A couple of folks askedme about the carrot side dish that I made with the grilled honey soychicken the other day. It was just a simple stir fry but here it is. I like to use very fresh carrots for this. Even “fresh†baggedcarrots are tough to me.
Broccoli and Carrot StirFry
½ tsp sesame oil
2 ½ tsp peanut oil
2 cup broccoli florets
1 cup carrot, peeled andsliced on a bias (this was three carrots)
½ ea sweet onion, cutinto 1/2†wide wedges
½ cup beef stock
1 cup shitake mushrooms,sliced
1 clove garlic, sliced
1 tsp ginger, finelydiced
½ cup sweet stir frysauce
slurry (1 Tbsp potato orcorn starch and 1 Tbsp cold water)
Heat the oil in a wok. Add the broccoli, carrot and onion and stir fry for 1 minute, tossingoccasionally.
Add the beef stock, coverand let steam for 3 minutes.
Remove the cover and addthe mushrooms, garlic, and ginger. Stir fry for 1-2 minutes untilmushroom is cooked.
Add the sweet stir frysauce, slurry and toss to coat well. Remove from heat and serveimmediately.
Sweet Stir Fry Sauce
¼ cup Yoshida's Gourmetsauce (sub terriyaki if you don't have Yoshidas)
¼ cup rice wine vinegar
2 Tbsp soy sauce
2 Tbsp mirin
½ tsp sriracha sauce
pinch of salt
Mix all together. Makes¾ cup.
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