makes 4 generous servings
1/4 cup butter
1 small onion minced
1 large oyster mushroom, chopped
1 cup uncooked rice
2 cups chicken broth
1 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 colander full of fresh spinach washed and destemmed
4 slices cooked and crumbled bacon
Melt butter in medium saucepan add onion and mushroom. Saute until tender about 5 minutes. Add rice, stir in chicken broth. Bring to a boil. Add salt and pepper. Cover and reduce heat to simmer. Simmer for 15- 20 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in spinach. Put the lid on for a few minutes. The spinach wilts beautifully. Add bacon before serving.
bacon recipe courtesy of: The Teacher Cooks, May 28, 2010
makes one sandwich
2 slices Texas toast
2-3 tablespoons barbecue sauce
2 oz sliced sharp or smoked cheddar cheese
4-6 slices cooked bacon
1 oz shredded Monterey Jack cheese
butter or margarine
Heat a skillet over medium. Spread the barbecue sauce over the bread slices, then over one slice arrange cheddar cheese slices, bacon over that, then sprinkle the Monterey Jack over the bacon. Top with remaining bread slice. Melt some butter or margarine in the skillet and place the sandwich on top of the puddle, scooting it around until the bread absorbs the butter. Cook for 5-6 minutes or until cheddar looks melted, then remove and melt more butter in the pan, flip the sandwich and cook additional 4 minutes and serve hot.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Veronica Miller, Recipe Rhapsody, April 20, 2010
2 slices Texas toast
2-3 tablespoons barbecue sauce
2 oz sliced sharp or smoked cheddar cheese
4-6 slices cooked bacon
1 oz shredded Monterey Jack cheese
butter or margarine
Heat a skillet over medium. Spread the barbecue sauce over the bread slices, then over one slice arrange cheddar cheese slices, bacon over that, then sprinkle the Monterey Jack over the bacon. Top with remaining bread slice. Melt some butter or margarine in the skillet and place the sandwich on top of the puddle, scooting it around until the bread absorbs the butter. Cook for 5-6 minutes or until cheddar looks melted, then remove and melt more butter in the pan, flip the sandwich and cook additional 4 minutes and serve hot.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Veronica Miller, Recipe Rhapsody, April 20, 2010
Marilyn Pit Beef
Oh, I know, it is supposed to be called Maryland Pit Beef or Baltimore Pit Beef. But when I wanted to make a somewhat authentic pit beef I turned to the first people I could think of in Maryland, Brian and Marilyn of Hot Sauce Daily. So it is Marilyn Pit Beef!
Marilyn spoke with Tom from their local meat purveyor because he used to cook the pit beef for the Mount Airy Volunteer Fireman Carnival. Considering that the best/first BBQ I ever had was from the volunteer fireman fundraiser in Lisbon, North Carolina, I figured Tom knew what he was talking about. And boy did he ever.
I'm not going to follow standard recipe protocol, I'm just working through what Marilyn shared point by point.
Don't marinate it, don't put any extra stuff on it (i.e. garlic, paprika, none of that)
Oops. My bad. I had already started adapting this recipe from Big Fat Daddy's and had rubbed it with
1 Tbsp Dizzy Pig Cowlick
1 Tbsp paprika (my homemade batch)
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp dried oregano (some of the last of our dried from summer)
1/2 tsp black pepper
But his point is well taken. Good beef needs little more than salt and pepper. But since mine was already rubbed for 12 hours, I couldn't undo it.
Use a whole top round, about 20 pounds.(You can use a smaller cut, of course)
I used the smaller cut option, a 2.5 lb eye of round, which comes from the same portion of the cow (top, eye, and bottom round).
The main thing is to have a nice even heat, using charcoal. Make it pretty hot. The secret to cooking a good pit beef is to get a nice dark brown crust, turning often to make sure you cook all sides well and evenly.
Turning often - That calls for using my rotisserie on the Brinkmann Professional Charcoal grill. Our Big Green Eggs get the day off.
Nice even heat - When I took a cooking class with Chris Lilly last May, he recommended Kingsford briquettes for grilling with long steady heat compared to using lump which burns hotter but faster. Outside of a ceramic cooker (Big Green Egg) or insulated cooker (Stumps, etc), I agree. Since this was "open pit" cooking and it was slightly breezy on this spring like day, I turned the grill so the open lid would serve as a wind screen.
Don't mop it.. otherwise you won't get the flavor of the beef
I started to second guess this one. But as soon as the fat cap on the roast began cooking, it rendered, dripping over the rest of the roast, self basting! That is just one trickle but by the time it was done, it was mostly covered.
Tip: Because this will only baste one side, reverse the direction of your rotisserie every 10-15 minutes. This will get both sides basted. Some rotisseries have a two way switch. My cheap one just changes direction each time you turn it off and back on. Don't think that only top end $1,000 grills have rotisseries. Just about any grill can be retrofitted with a $35 kit like mine from Lowe's Home Improvement.
It will probably take about 2 to 2 1/2 hours, a smaller cut 40 min. or so. Internal temp should be around 120.
I was using the smaller cut and it was almost exactly 40 minutes when it hit 125f. I took it off and let it rest for 15 minutes. I never glazed or mopped it, that juiciness in this pic is all from the meat itself.
Then cut it in half so I'd have flat sides to work with on the slicer.
I was using the smaller cut and it was almost exactly 40 minutes when it hit 125f. I took it off and let it rest for 15 minutes. I never glazed or mopped it, that juiciness in this pic is all from the meat itself.
Then cut it in half so I'd have flat sides to work with on the slicer.
Use a meat slicer to get really thin slices.
I was halfway through doing this....
when my 2 year old Waring Pro slicer gave up the ghost. There was a clunk, a second or two of smoke, another clunk and then a high pitch whine like a broken fly wheel or clutch. Then it just stopped. Dead.
"I think he would have wanted to go out that way in the end," I playfully mourned as Alexis walked into the kitchen to see what the mechanical ruckus was. I finished the rest by hand, you just have to have a very sharp carving knife.
Place a pile (as in "a big fistful" ) of the meat on a kaiser roll
Serve with horseradish and thinly sliced white onion
I cheated and added some thinly sliced tomato. Winter tomatoes are weak, I couldn't even taste them. My horseradish sauce was the one from the linked recipe
1/2 cup mayo
3 Tbsp horseradish
1 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp black pepper
Yes, served on paper plates. Because it's better that way! These were the perfect late lunch for a Saturday afternoon while our house watched college basketball and tried to recover from the flu. You know what they say, "Feed a fever, starve a cold".
Thanks so much to Brian and Marylin for the help on this Maryland classic. Stop by their site at Hot Sauce Daily and check out their recent 2nd Annual Week of Wings.
1/2 cup mayo
3 Tbsp horseradish
1 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp black pepper
Yes, served on paper plates. Because it's better that way! These were the perfect late lunch for a Saturday afternoon while our house watched college basketball and tried to recover from the flu. You know what they say, "Feed a fever, starve a cold".
Thanks so much to Brian and Marylin for the help on this Maryland classic. Stop by their site at Hot Sauce Daily and check out their recent 2nd Annual Week of Wings.
That's My WSM
My Weber Smokey Mountain blew over during the last snowstorm and is now entombed in snow. Over the last week here in Connecticut we have received around four feet of snow. That's not a typo, feet. Hopefully this stuff will melt soon and that patio can resume cranking out BBQ.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
yields four servings
8 oz dried butter beans
4 oz smoked streaky bacon
2 tablespoons of oil
1 bay leaf
1 oz butter
1 onion finely chopped
1 leek cleaned, trimmed and finely chopped
2 small stick of celery finely chopped
1 garlic clove
1½ pints of water
5 fl oz milk
salt and freshly ground black pepper
Preferably soak the beans overnight by covering them with cold water and drain them before use.
Clean and finely chop the vegetables. Heat up one of the tablespoons of oil in a medium pan and cook the bacon for about 5 minutes till it is lightly crispy and golden brown. Add the bay leaf, 1½ pints of water to the pan along with the soaked butter beans. Bring the mixture to the boil then reduce the heat and simmer for approximately 25 minutes or until the beans are tender. Skim off any scum that appears on the surface. Heat the butter and the rest of the oil in another saucepan and add the remaining chopped vegetables. Stir well and coat everything in the butter and oil and cook over a low heat for about 10 minutes until they are soft. Tip everything into one pan and mix together well, throwing away the bay leaf. Next add the garlic, cover and simmer for a further 10 minutes until the beans and vegetables are really soft. Mash the beans against the side of the pan with a fork, this allows the beans to thicken the soup. Pour in the milk and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and stir well. Serve immediately and sprinkle the top with freshly chopped parsley.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Cook UK (step by step recipes with pictures), 1 Gaydon Hill Farm Cottages, Gaydon, Warwick CV35 0HQ
8 oz dried butter beans
4 oz smoked streaky bacon
2 tablespoons of oil
1 bay leaf
1 oz butter
1 onion finely chopped
1 leek cleaned, trimmed and finely chopped
2 small stick of celery finely chopped
1 garlic clove
1½ pints of water
5 fl oz milk
salt and freshly ground black pepper
Preferably soak the beans overnight by covering them with cold water and drain them before use.
Clean and finely chop the vegetables. Heat up one of the tablespoons of oil in a medium pan and cook the bacon for about 5 minutes till it is lightly crispy and golden brown. Add the bay leaf, 1½ pints of water to the pan along with the soaked butter beans. Bring the mixture to the boil then reduce the heat and simmer for approximately 25 minutes or until the beans are tender. Skim off any scum that appears on the surface. Heat the butter and the rest of the oil in another saucepan and add the remaining chopped vegetables. Stir well and coat everything in the butter and oil and cook over a low heat for about 10 minutes until they are soft. Tip everything into one pan and mix together well, throwing away the bay leaf. Next add the garlic, cover and simmer for a further 10 minutes until the beans and vegetables are really soft. Mash the beans against the side of the pan with a fork, this allows the beans to thicken the soup. Pour in the milk and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and stir well. Serve immediately and sprinkle the top with freshly chopped parsley.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Cook UK (step by step recipes with pictures), 1 Gaydon Hill Farm Cottages, Gaydon, Warwick CV35 0HQ
yields 4-6 servings
8 boneless, skinless chicken thighs
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
2 tablespoons Dijon-style mustard
1 tablespoon plain yogurt
16 strips bacon
Preheat grill according to manufacturer`s instructions for cooking by direct and indirect heat. If using charcoal grill, place coals on one side of grill, not covering entire charcoal bed. Thighs will be cooked over direct heat first and finally by indirect heat, opposite the heat source. Rinse thighs, pat dry and season with salt and pepper to taste. Place maple syrup in shallow dish. Add mustard and yogurt and stir to combine. Dip thighs in syrup mixture, lightly roll up and wrap each with two strips of bacon to enclose. Secure with wooden toothpicks, if necessary. If bacon strips are long, one strip per thigh may be sufficient. Lightly coat grill with oil or cooking spray. Place thighs on preheated grill 4 to 6-inches above direct heat and brown on both sides, about 5 minutes. Move thighs to indirect heat side of grill and continue to cook with lid closed, about 10 to 12 minutes. Watch closely to prevent burning. Test thighs for doneness. Temperature should reach 160 degrees F. on meat thermometer. Return to direct heat to crisp bacon, about 3 to 4 minutes. Remove and place on serving platter. Remove toothpicks and serve.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Mary, One Perfect Bite, July 13, 2009 | via Alex DeSantis, Pilgrim's Pride Chicken
8 boneless, skinless chicken thighs
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
2 tablespoons Dijon-style mustard
1 tablespoon plain yogurt
16 strips bacon
Preheat grill according to manufacturer`s instructions for cooking by direct and indirect heat. If using charcoal grill, place coals on one side of grill, not covering entire charcoal bed. Thighs will be cooked over direct heat first and finally by indirect heat, opposite the heat source. Rinse thighs, pat dry and season with salt and pepper to taste. Place maple syrup in shallow dish. Add mustard and yogurt and stir to combine. Dip thighs in syrup mixture, lightly roll up and wrap each with two strips of bacon to enclose. Secure with wooden toothpicks, if necessary. If bacon strips are long, one strip per thigh may be sufficient. Lightly coat grill with oil or cooking spray. Place thighs on preheated grill 4 to 6-inches above direct heat and brown on both sides, about 5 minutes. Move thighs to indirect heat side of grill and continue to cook with lid closed, about 10 to 12 minutes. Watch closely to prevent burning. Test thighs for doneness. Temperature should reach 160 degrees F. on meat thermometer. Return to direct heat to crisp bacon, about 3 to 4 minutes. Remove and place on serving platter. Remove toothpicks and serve.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Mary, One Perfect Bite, July 13, 2009 | via Alex DeSantis, Pilgrim's Pride Chicken
makes four servings
1/2 cup Late Harvest Riesling
1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
1 head of garlicâ€"1 small clove minced, the rest coarsely chopped
4 thyme sprigs
6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
4 chicken breast halves, on the bone with wings attached
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
1/2 tablespoon finely chopped basil
3/4 teaspoon Dijon mustard
salt and freshly ground pepper
1 large red onion, cut lengthwise through the core into 8 wedges
one 1 1/2-pound butternut squashâ€"halved lengthwise, seeded and cut into 16 wedges
1 large appleâ€"halved, cored and cut into 8 wedges
4 slices of bacon, halved crosswise
In a large resealable plastic bag, combine the Riesling, onion, chopped garlic, thyme and 2 tablespoons of the oil. Add the chicken, seal the bag and let the chicken marinate, refrigerated, for 2 hours, turning the bag occasionally.
Preheat the oven to 425°. In a small bowl, combine the vinegars, basil, mustard and minced garlic. Slowly whisk in 2 tablespoons of the oil and season with salt and pepper. Arrange the onion wedges on a rimmed baking sheet and drizzle with the dressing; toss to coat. On another rimmed baking sheet, toss the squash and apple wedges with 1 tablespoon of oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast the vegetables for about 30 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender and the onion has browned around the edges. Let cool.
Preheat the broiler and position a rack 8 inches from the heat. Wrap the onion wedges in the bacon and secure with toothpicks. Broil the onions for 3 minutes per side, or until crisp.
Turn the oven to 425°. Remove the chicken from the marinade. Scrape off the onions and garlic and pat dry with paper towels. Brush the chicken with remaining 1 tablespoon of oil and season with salt and pepper. Transfer the chicken to an oiled baking pan and roast, skin side up, until just cooked through, about 25 minutes. Reheat the onions, squash and apples while the chicken is cooking and serve.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Cory Schreiber, Food & Wine, October 1997
1/2 cup Late Harvest Riesling
1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
1 head of garlicâ€"1 small clove minced, the rest coarsely chopped
4 thyme sprigs
6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
4 chicken breast halves, on the bone with wings attached
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
1/2 tablespoon finely chopped basil
3/4 teaspoon Dijon mustard
salt and freshly ground pepper
1 large red onion, cut lengthwise through the core into 8 wedges
one 1 1/2-pound butternut squashâ€"halved lengthwise, seeded and cut into 16 wedges
1 large appleâ€"halved, cored and cut into 8 wedges
4 slices of bacon, halved crosswise
In a large resealable plastic bag, combine the Riesling, onion, chopped garlic, thyme and 2 tablespoons of the oil. Add the chicken, seal the bag and let the chicken marinate, refrigerated, for 2 hours, turning the bag occasionally.
Preheat the oven to 425°. In a small bowl, combine the vinegars, basil, mustard and minced garlic. Slowly whisk in 2 tablespoons of the oil and season with salt and pepper. Arrange the onion wedges on a rimmed baking sheet and drizzle with the dressing; toss to coat. On another rimmed baking sheet, toss the squash and apple wedges with 1 tablespoon of oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast the vegetables for about 30 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender and the onion has browned around the edges. Let cool.
Preheat the broiler and position a rack 8 inches from the heat. Wrap the onion wedges in the bacon and secure with toothpicks. Broil the onions for 3 minutes per side, or until crisp.
Turn the oven to 425°. Remove the chicken from the marinade. Scrape off the onions and garlic and pat dry with paper towels. Brush the chicken with remaining 1 tablespoon of oil and season with salt and pepper. Transfer the chicken to an oiled baking pan and roast, skin side up, until just cooked through, about 25 minutes. Reheat the onions, squash and apples while the chicken is cooking and serve.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Cory Schreiber, Food & Wine, October 1997
serves eight
1½ lb Brussels sprouts, prepared
6 fl oz Riesling
4 oz smoked bacon rashers with rinds
1 level dessert spoon butter
2 shallots, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
salt and freshly milled black pepper
Cut the rinds off the bacon rashers and, in your very largest frying pan, melt the butter over a gentle heat. Keeping the heat to a minimum, add the bacon rinds to the pan and let them gently cook and release their fat, which will permeate the butter. Meanwhile snip the bacon rashers into small pieces, then add them to the pan along with the shallots and garlic to begin cooking.
While that's happening, place the sprouts in a steamer, sprinkle them with salt, and steam them over boiling water for 4 minutes or so which should be enough just to half-cook them. After that turn the heat up under the frying pan, add the sprouts and toss them around for 2 or 3 minutes or until they begin to take on a little colour.
Now turn the heat up high, pour in the wine and let it bubble and reduce while you constantly turn the sprouts over and over to soak up the flavour of the wine. As soon as the sprouts are tender and the wine has reduced to about 2 tablespoons, transfer them to a serving dish, add a little freshly milled pepper and serve straightaway.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Delia Online, NC Internet Ltd, PO Box 1124, Knaphill GU21 9AA, UK
1½ lb Brussels sprouts, prepared
6 fl oz Riesling
4 oz smoked bacon rashers with rinds
1 level dessert spoon butter
2 shallots, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
salt and freshly milled black pepper
Cut the rinds off the bacon rashers and, in your very largest frying pan, melt the butter over a gentle heat. Keeping the heat to a minimum, add the bacon rinds to the pan and let them gently cook and release their fat, which will permeate the butter. Meanwhile snip the bacon rashers into small pieces, then add them to the pan along with the shallots and garlic to begin cooking.
While that's happening, place the sprouts in a steamer, sprinkle them with salt, and steam them over boiling water for 4 minutes or so which should be enough just to half-cook them. After that turn the heat up under the frying pan, add the sprouts and toss them around for 2 or 3 minutes or until they begin to take on a little colour.
Now turn the heat up high, pour in the wine and let it bubble and reduce while you constantly turn the sprouts over and over to soak up the flavour of the wine. As soon as the sprouts are tender and the wine has reduced to about 2 tablespoons, transfer them to a serving dish, add a little freshly milled pepper and serve straightaway.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Delia Online, NC Internet Ltd, PO Box 1124, Knaphill GU21 9AA, UK
BBQ Nachos - Super Bowl of Nachos
I smoked a pork butt this weekend (click here to find why this cut from the shoulder is called a "butt"). The cook went pretty much as expected. Here is the cooking log from that cook. It took right on the nose of 1 1/2 hours per pound. (Double click the pic and zoom in to see detail)

One of my favorite things to make with pulled pork other than sandwiches is BBQ Nachos.

I like mine with "built from the floor up" as follows:

A few reminders:

One of my favorite things to make with pulled pork other than sandwiches is BBQ Nachos.

I like mine with "built from the floor up" as follows:
- White tortilla chips
- iceburg lettuce (save the fancy stuff for salads!)
- Colby jack cheese mix shredded
- pulled pork
- a blend of diced red, green, and white onions
- black olives
- jalapenos
- BBQ sauce (something sweet like Smoky Mountain Smokers or Blues Hog)
- homemade queso sauce with red peppers, cilantro, and BBQ rub (something hot like Dizzy Pig Jamaican Firewalk)

What do YOU like on your nachos?
A few reminders:
- Enter to win a bottle of Fire Ant Juice and a jar of Hobo Howey's Pineapple Jalapeno Chutney. (Or just place an order and Tropical Island Gourmet will give you a bottle if you use the NibbleMeThis code word in the comment section when you order).
- Enter yourself in a chance to win a trip to Las Vegas for Kingsford University
4 halved pheasant breasts
bacon, ample enough to wrap each half pheasant breast
2 cups dry red wine (such as a Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, or Merlot)
1 chopped onion
3 finely chopped cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon of tarragon
1 to 3 teaspoons of green peppercorns (add to suit your taste)
2 cups of heavy cream (whipping cream will do fine)
Cut the four pheasant breasts in half, and wrap them with bacon. You may want to use tootpicks to hold things together. Place the meat in a baking dish and place it under a broiler until the bacon is browned, turning the meat over once duringi the process. Remove the pan from the broiler and set the breasts on layered paper towels to drain off the hot grease.
Remove most of the excess grease from pan, and deglaze the pan with the wine. Pour the mixture into a sauce pan to make your sauce. Add to the saucepan the onion, garlic, tarragon, and peppercorns. Bring the mixture to a slow boil. Reduce the mixture by half by boiling off the lighter fluids.
Place the breast meat back in baking dish. After the sauce mixture has reduced by hald, add the cream. Stir the sauce well, and pour it over the breasts. Put the sauced pheasant breasts in the oven and slow cook them at 250 to 300 F for roughly an hour, or as long as two hours until tender. Serves delightfully over a dish such as risotto or rice pilaf
bacon recipe courtesy of:
bacon, ample enough to wrap each half pheasant breast
2 cups dry red wine (such as a Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, or Merlot)
1 chopped onion
3 finely chopped cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon of tarragon
1 to 3 teaspoons of green peppercorns (add to suit your taste)
2 cups of heavy cream (whipping cream will do fine)
Cut the four pheasant breasts in half, and wrap them with bacon. You may want to use tootpicks to hold things together. Place the meat in a baking dish and place it under a broiler until the bacon is browned, turning the meat over once duringi the process. Remove the pan from the broiler and set the breasts on layered paper towels to drain off the hot grease.
Remove most of the excess grease from pan, and deglaze the pan with the wine. Pour the mixture into a sauce pan to make your sauce. Add to the saucepan the onion, garlic, tarragon, and peppercorns. Bring the mixture to a slow boil. Reduce the mixture by half by boiling off the lighter fluids.
Place the breast meat back in baking dish. After the sauce mixture has reduced by hald, add the cream. Stir the sauce well, and pour it over the breasts. Put the sauced pheasant breasts in the oven and slow cook them at 250 to 300 F for roughly an hour, or as long as two hours until tender. Serves delightfully over a dish such as risotto or rice pilaf
bacon recipe courtesy of:
Fire Ant Juice offer
I know how it is. You want to mail order that special bottle of sauce or jar of rub but think about how the cost of shipping makes it prohibitively expensive.
Chef Wayne of Tropical Island Gourmet also understands that which is why he is making this special offer through February 24th, 2011.

For orders placed between now and then, Tropical Island Gourmet will include a FREE BOTTLE OF FIRE ANT JUICE, the 2010 SCOVIE Award winning hot sauce. Just include the word NIBBLE ME THIS in the comments section for your free bottle.
That will make up for the shipping costs. I also order several bottles at a time in order to lower the overall per bottle costs once shipping is added in.
[Standard Disclaimer] I pay full price & shipping for the products I buy from Tropical Island Gourmet and have no affiliation with them other than enjoying Chef Wayne's products. I receive no compensation for this post although they do throw in a freebie sample here and there when I place an order of several jars.
That will make up for the shipping costs. I also order several bottles at a time in order to lower the overall per bottle costs once shipping is added in.
[Standard Disclaimer] I pay full price & shipping for the products I buy from Tropical Island Gourmet and have no affiliation with them other than enjoying Chef Wayne's products. I receive no compensation for this post although they do throw in a freebie sample here and there when I place an order of several jars.
On Our Grills January
These are challenging times....
The On Our Grills challenge is a monthly challenge where a group of grillers is challenged with creating a meal based around 4 ingredients and at least the protein has to be cooked on the grill (or some sort of live fire). There is no winner and no one gets voted off. It is just an exercise in creativity and pushes ones culinary preferences. This month's ingredients are:
Ground Beef
Winter Squash
Winter Squash
Hmmmm how about a quinoa, squash, pear burger? No? Okay, instead I went with an "upscale diner" theme.

To be perfectly honest, this month's challenge was full of "near-hits". Except for the chopped steak patty (which was a no brainer), I would have changed everything else next time.
Ground Beef
I made a diner classic of chopped steak with mushroom gravy. I mixed the beef with some panko, egg, minced onion, minced garlic, S & P and of course worchestershire sauce. Grilled it 5 minutes a side. The gravy was sauted crimini mushrooms, a dark roux, demi glace and a cup of beef broth.
I used red quinoa to make mini stuffed cherry peppers. I parboiled the peppers. The stuffing was simply cooked quinoa, mushrooms, shallot, the pepper tops, and cilantro. The flavor was good but the stuffing needs some cheese mixed in to help bind it together and to keep moist.

Winter Squash
Instead of the ubiquitous diner mac and cheese, I opted for Butternut Squash Gratin. It was an adaptation from Joy of Cooking. The flavor was good but Alexis and I both agreed it needs something more in texture. It was too soft like a souffle. Next time I think I'd add double the amount of flour and a 1/2 cup of corn kernals. The good news is that it cooked quite well on the grill.

I was going to substitute dessert with a pear crisp for diner apple pie but I ran out of time and patience. So I simply fire roasted the bosc pears topped with gorgonzola, a trick I stole from Greg at SippitySup. I drizzled agave nectar over them to finish.

Again, not my most successful outing but I did learn a few things in the process.
Check out the other participants to see what they came up with using these same 4 ingredients.
About the "On Our Grills" 4 Ingredient Challenge Bloggers
Grill Grrrl- Adventures of a Girl on the Grill
Robyn Medlin-Lindars is the "grill girl" behind Her focus is on healthy, simple and creative recipes on the grill. She encourages women to learn to grill as it a great way to create healthy, flavorful dishes without all the fuss and clean up in the kitchen. This "grill girl" holds quarterly "Women's Grilling Clinics" as a way to encourage women to not be intimated by the grill. As a McCormick's flavor correspondent for their "This Week in Grilling Campaign", Robyn shares fun, tropical video recipes documenting her grilling adventures from her backyard in Sunny, Hollywood, Florida.
Robyn's January Challenge Recipe
Grill Adventures by Broadcast Marc
Grill Adventures by broadcastmarc was started in March of 2010. I started the BBQ thing when I was 30, before that we ate a lot outside. had fun, but when the kids came into our life we started serious cooking. Most of it is really healthy I think). The grill has a special place in my heart because we love to do things outside. Everything I make is an adventure, and sometimes we use the books. We try to grill as much as we can year round.
Marc's January Challenge Recipe:
The BBQ Grail
The BBQ Grail website was created in 2007, initially to document the author’s quest to find the perfect backyard BBQ experience. Since that time The BBQ Grail has become one of the more popular BBQ blogs on the internet and is listed as one of the top BBQ blogs.
Larry's January Challenge Recipe
Into the Flames
Rob launched Into The Flames in the summer of 2010 as a way to share his passion for cooking, eating, and exploring food.
Link Pending
No Excuses BBQ
The No Excuses BBQ website was started in January of 2009 as a way to record the author's goal of cooking outdoors at least once a week throughout the year and showing the results to the world. Somewhere along the way things got out of control...
No Excuses BBQ’s January Challenge Recipe

To be perfectly honest, this month's challenge was full of "near-hits". Except for the chopped steak patty (which was a no brainer), I would have changed everything else next time.
Ground Beef
I made a diner classic of chopped steak with mushroom gravy. I mixed the beef with some panko, egg, minced onion, minced garlic, S & P and of course worchestershire sauce. Grilled it 5 minutes a side. The gravy was sauted crimini mushrooms, a dark roux, demi glace and a cup of beef broth.

I used red quinoa to make mini stuffed cherry peppers. I parboiled the peppers. The stuffing was simply cooked quinoa, mushrooms, shallot, the pepper tops, and cilantro. The flavor was good but the stuffing needs some cheese mixed in to help bind it together and to keep moist.

Winter Squash
Instead of the ubiquitous diner mac and cheese, I opted for Butternut Squash Gratin. It was an adaptation from Joy of Cooking. The flavor was good but Alexis and I both agreed it needs something more in texture. It was too soft like a souffle. Next time I think I'd add double the amount of flour and a 1/2 cup of corn kernals. The good news is that it cooked quite well on the grill.

I was going to substitute dessert with a pear crisp for diner apple pie but I ran out of time and patience. So I simply fire roasted the bosc pears topped with gorgonzola, a trick I stole from Greg at SippitySup. I drizzled agave nectar over them to finish.

Again, not my most successful outing but I did learn a few things in the process.
Check out the other participants to see what they came up with using these same 4 ingredients.
About the "On Our Grills" 4 Ingredient Challenge Bloggers
Grill Grrrl- Adventures of a Girl on the Grill
Robyn Medlin-Lindars is the "grill girl" behind Her focus is on healthy, simple and creative recipes on the grill. She encourages women to learn to grill as it a great way to create healthy, flavorful dishes without all the fuss and clean up in the kitchen. This "grill girl" holds quarterly "Women's Grilling Clinics" as a way to encourage women to not be intimated by the grill. As a McCormick's flavor correspondent for their "This Week in Grilling Campaign", Robyn shares fun, tropical video recipes documenting her grilling adventures from her backyard in Sunny, Hollywood, Florida.
Robyn's January Challenge Recipe
Grill Adventures by Broadcast Marc
Grill Adventures by broadcastmarc was started in March of 2010. I started the BBQ thing when I was 30, before that we ate a lot outside. had fun, but when the kids came into our life we started serious cooking. Most of it is really healthy I think). The grill has a special place in my heart because we love to do things outside. Everything I make is an adventure, and sometimes we use the books. We try to grill as much as we can year round.
Marc's January Challenge Recipe:
The BBQ Grail
The BBQ Grail website was created in 2007, initially to document the author’s quest to find the perfect backyard BBQ experience. Since that time The BBQ Grail has become one of the more popular BBQ blogs on the internet and is listed as one of the top BBQ blogs.
Larry's January Challenge Recipe
Into the Flames
Rob launched Into The Flames in the summer of 2010 as a way to share his passion for cooking, eating, and exploring food.
Link Pending
No Excuses BBQ
The No Excuses BBQ website was started in January of 2009 as a way to record the author's goal of cooking outdoors at least once a week throughout the year and showing the results to the world. Somewhere along the way things got out of control...
No Excuses BBQ’s January Challenge Recipe
yields four servings
4 medium-sized russet or other baking potatoes, well scrubbed
12 ounces bacon, chopped
8 ounces sliced button mushrooms
1/4 cup brandy
1 tablespoon green peppercorns, drenched in cold water
1 cup cream
salt and pepper
butter, for topping
Potato: Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Prick potatoes with a fork and bake until soft, about 1 hour.
Sauce: Saute bacon, add button mushrooms and cook until golden brown. Pour brandy first into a measuring cup (for safety) and then into the pan and carefully ignite with a long match. After the alcohol burns off and the flame has died, stir in the peppercorns. Stir in the cream and heat through, without boiling. Salt and pepper, to taste.
Cut open baked potatoes. Top each with a spoonful of butter, then cover generously with sauce.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Paula Deen, "English Pub Fare," Paula's Home Cooking, Food Network
4 medium-sized russet or other baking potatoes, well scrubbed
12 ounces bacon, chopped
8 ounces sliced button mushrooms
1/4 cup brandy
1 tablespoon green peppercorns, drenched in cold water
1 cup cream
salt and pepper
butter, for topping
Potato: Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Prick potatoes with a fork and bake until soft, about 1 hour.
Sauce: Saute bacon, add button mushrooms and cook until golden brown. Pour brandy first into a measuring cup (for safety) and then into the pan and carefully ignite with a long match. After the alcohol burns off and the flame has died, stir in the peppercorns. Stir in the cream and heat through, without boiling. Salt and pepper, to taste.
Cut open baked potatoes. Top each with a spoonful of butter, then cover generously with sauce.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Paula Deen, "English Pub Fare," Paula's Home Cooking, Food Network
serves four
4 each de-boned rainbow trout fillets
cornmeal mixture for dusting (recipe below)
1 ounce canola oil
Cornmeal mixture: (mix all together)
1 cup cornmeal
1/2 bunch thyme, chopped
1/4 cup corn starch
1 tablespoon paprika
1 tablespoon Old Bay seasoning
1 teaspoon salt
Cheddar-Bacon Spoon bread
1/2 lb. bacon, small dice
2 cups sharp cheddar, grated
6 ounces cornmeal
10 ounces cold water
2 ounces butter
2 each garlic cloves, minced
2 teaspoons salt
1 cup milk
4 each egg yolks
4 each egg whites
Dredge the fish in the cornmeal mixture. Heat the oil in a sauté pan and pan fry the trout until golden brown on each side and cooked through.
Render bacon in a small pan until brown and semi-crunchy. Stir cornmeal into cold water in a sauce pan. Cook over medium heat and bring to a bubbling
boil, stirring constantly. When it is thick about 60 seconds, remove from heat. Stir in the cheese, butter, garlic and salt. When the cheese is melted pour in the milk and combine. Stir in egg yolks and bacon bits. Beat egg whites to stiff peaks and fold into the cornmeal mixture in three occasions. Pour mixture into a parchment paper-lined and well-greased pan. Bake for one hour at 325, it is done when you insert a wooden skewer and it comes out clean
Bacon Cabernet Vinegar Wilted Greens
1/2 pound bacon, rendered
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
2 bunches Swiss chard, washed and chopped
salt and pepper to taste
Wilt the Swiss chard in a sauté pan and deglaze with the vinegar and bacon. Add salt and pepper to taste.
bacon recipe courtesy of: California Cafe, Los Gatos & Palo Alto, California/Lone Tree, Colorado
4 each de-boned rainbow trout fillets
cornmeal mixture for dusting (recipe below)
1 ounce canola oil
Cornmeal mixture: (mix all together)
1 cup cornmeal
1/2 bunch thyme, chopped
1/4 cup corn starch
1 tablespoon paprika
1 tablespoon Old Bay seasoning
1 teaspoon salt
Cheddar-Bacon Spoon bread
1/2 lb. bacon, small dice
2 cups sharp cheddar, grated
6 ounces cornmeal
10 ounces cold water
2 ounces butter
2 each garlic cloves, minced
2 teaspoons salt
1 cup milk
4 each egg yolks
4 each egg whites
Dredge the fish in the cornmeal mixture. Heat the oil in a sauté pan and pan fry the trout until golden brown on each side and cooked through.
Render bacon in a small pan until brown and semi-crunchy. Stir cornmeal into cold water in a sauce pan. Cook over medium heat and bring to a bubbling
boil, stirring constantly. When it is thick about 60 seconds, remove from heat. Stir in the cheese, butter, garlic and salt. When the cheese is melted pour in the milk and combine. Stir in egg yolks and bacon bits. Beat egg whites to stiff peaks and fold into the cornmeal mixture in three occasions. Pour mixture into a parchment paper-lined and well-greased pan. Bake for one hour at 325, it is done when you insert a wooden skewer and it comes out clean
Bacon Cabernet Vinegar Wilted Greens
1/2 pound bacon, rendered
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
2 bunches Swiss chard, washed and chopped
salt and pepper to taste
Wilt the Swiss chard in a sauté pan and deglaze with the vinegar and bacon. Add salt and pepper to taste.
bacon recipe courtesy of: California Cafe, Los Gatos & Palo Alto, California/Lone Tree, Colorado
Podcasts, Pineapple Jalapeno Chutney, and a Giveaway
Right now I am smoking a pork butt on my Big Green Egg. It has just entered his stall point at 175f ....

So I'm guessing I have another 2 hours before it's time to pull from the cooker and rest it. That's enough time to knock out this quick post.
Hot Sauce Weekly Podcast

So I'm guessing I have another 2 hours before it's time to pull from the cooker and rest it. That's enough time to knock out this quick post.
Hot Sauce Weekly Podcast
The Hot Sauce Daily blog is having it's second annual Week of Wings. On Tuesday, I participated in their Hot Sauce Weekly podcast in a Hot Wing Roundtable with some of my favorite food bloggers.

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN IN. You'll pick up some good wing tips from the panel. Ha ha....I said "wing tips".
Fire Day Friday
I also posted my Vegetable Burritos this week at Our Krazy Kitchen where I co-host Fire Day Friday with Jenn from Jenn's Food Journey.

Pork Tenderloin with Pineapple Jalapeno Chutney
Speaking of Hot Sauce Daily, that is where I first found out about Tropical Island Gourmet Company and my now favorite Fire Ant Juice. I bought another shipment this week (3 bottles of Fire Ant Juice and 1 of his Chipotle Garlic Sauce) and Chef Wayne tossed in an extra jar of Hobo Howey's Pineapple Jalapeno Chutney.
This chutney is an interesting thing. It hits you up front with a nice sweet flavor and just as you think it is mild, a heat kicks in on the back side. I thought it would get along nicely with a grilled pork tenderloin.
My Big Green Egg was busy kicking butt on the pork butt, so I fired Alexis' Egg up to 350f with indirect heat. I was using straight lump coal - no wood chunks.

Since tenderloins typically come in two packs, I took a calculated risk. I marinated one in some of the pineapple jalapeno chutney and rubbed one with Dizzy Pig Jamaican Firewalk rub. I thought the chutney might burn given the natural sugars from the pineapple and apricots. Then I grilled them both for 21 minutes, turning every 6-7 minutes.

The chutney marinated one did char a little from the burned sugars but that's on me. It is a chutney, not a marinade. It didn't taste bad at all, it just looked very dark.
Next time I'll just glaze it on in the last 5 minutes of cooking of an already rubbed tenderloin. Regardless, it ROCKED when served across the sliced pork tenderloin (the way it is intended to be used....I'm not good at following directions).

Why yes, that IS a black bean and rice volcano. I came up with it tonight as a spin on my double timbale technique and thought it looked cool. I'll be using this again.

Brett had a friend over and between the 5 of us, both tenderloins disappeared with second and third helpings. No leftovers.
January Giveaway
Since Chef Wayne Howey has been so gracious in adding free samples in with my orders, I am going to pay it forward with my January Giveaway. I am going to give one lucky winner a jar of Hobo Howey's Pineapple Jalapeno Chutney and a bottle of Fire Ant Juice from my personal stock. To enter, go to the Tropical Island Gourmet site and leave a comment below stating which product would be your favorite.
I'll draw the winner from qualifying entries on Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 7 PM est.
[Standard Disclaimer] I pay full price & shipping for the products I buy from Tropical Island Gourmet and have no affiliation with them other than enjoying Chef Wayne's products. I receive no compensation for this post although they do throw in a freebie sample here and there when I place an order of several jars.

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN IN. You'll pick up some good wing tips from the panel. Ha ha....I said "wing tips".
Fire Day Friday
I also posted my Vegetable Burritos this week at Our Krazy Kitchen where I co-host Fire Day Friday with Jenn from Jenn's Food Journey.

Pork Tenderloin with Pineapple Jalapeno Chutney
Speaking of Hot Sauce Daily, that is where I first found out about Tropical Island Gourmet Company and my now favorite Fire Ant Juice. I bought another shipment this week (3 bottles of Fire Ant Juice and 1 of his Chipotle Garlic Sauce) and Chef Wayne tossed in an extra jar of Hobo Howey's Pineapple Jalapeno Chutney.
This chutney is an interesting thing. It hits you up front with a nice sweet flavor and just as you think it is mild, a heat kicks in on the back side. I thought it would get along nicely with a grilled pork tenderloin.
My Big Green Egg was busy kicking butt on the pork butt, so I fired Alexis' Egg up to 350f with indirect heat. I was using straight lump coal - no wood chunks.

Since tenderloins typically come in two packs, I took a calculated risk. I marinated one in some of the pineapple jalapeno chutney and rubbed one with Dizzy Pig Jamaican Firewalk rub. I thought the chutney might burn given the natural sugars from the pineapple and apricots. Then I grilled them both for 21 minutes, turning every 6-7 minutes.

The chutney marinated one did char a little from the burned sugars but that's on me. It is a chutney, not a marinade. It didn't taste bad at all, it just looked very dark.
Next time I'll just glaze it on in the last 5 minutes of cooking of an already rubbed tenderloin. Regardless, it ROCKED when served across the sliced pork tenderloin (the way it is intended to be used....I'm not good at following directions).

Why yes, that IS a black bean and rice volcano. I came up with it tonight as a spin on my double timbale technique and thought it looked cool. I'll be using this again.

Brett had a friend over and between the 5 of us, both tenderloins disappeared with second and third helpings. No leftovers.
January Giveaway
Since Chef Wayne Howey has been so gracious in adding free samples in with my orders, I am going to pay it forward with my January Giveaway. I am going to give one lucky winner a jar of Hobo Howey's Pineapple Jalapeno Chutney and a bottle of Fire Ant Juice from my personal stock. To enter, go to the Tropical Island Gourmet site and leave a comment below stating which product would be your favorite.

[Standard Disclaimer] I pay full price & shipping for the products I buy from Tropical Island Gourmet and have no affiliation with them other than enjoying Chef Wayne's products. I receive no compensation for this post although they do throw in a freebie sample here and there when I place an order of several jars.
makes six servings
2 bacon slices, finely chopped
1 cup finely chopped onion (1 large)
2 large carrots, quartered and cut into 1/4-inch dice
1 cup red lentils (7 oz)
1 quart water
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons black pepper
6 (1-inch-thick) baguette slices, cut on a long diagonal
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 to 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
1/4 lb extra-sharp Cheddar, cut into 12 (1/4-inch-thick) slices
Cook bacon in a 4-quart heavy pot over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until fat is rendered and bacon is golden brown, about 6 minutes. Pour off all but 2 tablespoons fat from pot (if your bacon renders less fat, add enough olive oil to bring total to 2 tablespoons), then add onion and carrots to bacon and cook over moderate heat, stirring frequently, until onion is softened and golden, about 5 minutes. Add lentils and cook, stirring, 1 minute. Add water, stirring and scraping up any brown bits from bottom of pot, then reduce heat to moderately low and simmer, covered, until lentils are very tender, 15 to 25 minutes. Stir in salt and pepper.
Preheat broiler. Arrange baguette slices on a baking sheet or broiler pan and spread top of each slice with butter. Broil slices 6 inches from heat until pale golden, about 1 minute. Spread buttered sides with a thin layer of mustard, then top each toast with 2 slices of cheese and broil until cheese is melted and bubbling, about 1 minute.
Serve soup with Cheddar toasts.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Gourmet, March 2006
2 bacon slices, finely chopped
1 cup finely chopped onion (1 large)
2 large carrots, quartered and cut into 1/4-inch dice
1 cup red lentils (7 oz)
1 quart water
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons black pepper
6 (1-inch-thick) baguette slices, cut on a long diagonal
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 to 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
1/4 lb extra-sharp Cheddar, cut into 12 (1/4-inch-thick) slices
Cook bacon in a 4-quart heavy pot over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until fat is rendered and bacon is golden brown, about 6 minutes. Pour off all but 2 tablespoons fat from pot (if your bacon renders less fat, add enough olive oil to bring total to 2 tablespoons), then add onion and carrots to bacon and cook over moderate heat, stirring frequently, until onion is softened and golden, about 5 minutes. Add lentils and cook, stirring, 1 minute. Add water, stirring and scraping up any brown bits from bottom of pot, then reduce heat to moderately low and simmer, covered, until lentils are very tender, 15 to 25 minutes. Stir in salt and pepper.
Preheat broiler. Arrange baguette slices on a baking sheet or broiler pan and spread top of each slice with butter. Broil slices 6 inches from heat until pale golden, about 1 minute. Spread buttered sides with a thin layer of mustard, then top each toast with 2 slices of cheese and broil until cheese is melted and bubbling, about 1 minute.
Serve soup with Cheddar toasts.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Gourmet, March 2006
yields eight servings
75 grams sugar
50 grams maple syrup
15 grams cabernet sauvignon vinegar
Place the sugar into a pot and bring it to a light caramel. Remove from the heat and add the maple syrup and vinegar. While still warm, lightly brush the insides of ramekins with the caramel mixture.
100 grams cream
50 grams milk
3 grams kombu seaweed
1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon curry spice
1/4 teaspoon Chinese Five-spice powder
1 grams dried shiitake mushroom
40 grams pig liver
1 egg
In a food processor puree the livers. Add eggs and pulse to combine. (Do not run at high speed or it will get frothy). Over medium heat combine cream, milk, kombu, dried shiitakes, soy sauce, and spices and bring mixture to a boil. Remove from heat. Combine the egg/liver puree with the cream mixture and pass through a fine chinoise. Pour the custard into caramel lined ramekins. Place the ramekins into a bain marie, cover with foil, and bake at 325 degrees for about 10-12 minutes (the middle should be wobbly). Remove from the bain marie and allow to come to room temperature.
75 grams California seedless red grapes
8 grams extra virgin olive oil
pinch of Maldon salt
1 bay leaf
1 cinnamon stick
1 inch piece of rosemary
a few grinds pepper
8 grams cabernet sauvignon vinegar
8 grams maple syrup
Place grapes, olive oil, cinnamon, bay leaf, rosemary, salt and pepper in a saute pan and place over medium-high heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the grapes brown and blister. Add the vinegar and the maple syrup and remove from the heat. Allow to cool to room temperature.
To Serve:
a few sprigs of watercress
truffle oil
pancetta - fried until crispy
brioche - sliced and toasted
To unmold the creme caramels, give them a little jiggle back and forth to loosen them within the ramekin. Place a plate over the top of the ramekin and flip it over, allowing the creme caramel to fall onto the plate. Add a little bit of flourish (and herbaceous goodness) with a few watercress sprigs and drizzle with truffle oil, and spoon some grapes around the mousse. Place a crispy piece of bacon next to the creme caramel and serve with toasted bread.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Brad Farmerie, Executive Chef of Public, 210 Elizabeth Street, New York, New York 10012
75 grams sugar
50 grams maple syrup
15 grams cabernet sauvignon vinegar
Place the sugar into a pot and bring it to a light caramel. Remove from the heat and add the maple syrup and vinegar. While still warm, lightly brush the insides of ramekins with the caramel mixture.
100 grams cream
50 grams milk
3 grams kombu seaweed
1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon curry spice
1/4 teaspoon Chinese Five-spice powder
1 grams dried shiitake mushroom
40 grams pig liver
1 egg
In a food processor puree the livers. Add eggs and pulse to combine. (Do not run at high speed or it will get frothy). Over medium heat combine cream, milk, kombu, dried shiitakes, soy sauce, and spices and bring mixture to a boil. Remove from heat. Combine the egg/liver puree with the cream mixture and pass through a fine chinoise. Pour the custard into caramel lined ramekins. Place the ramekins into a bain marie, cover with foil, and bake at 325 degrees for about 10-12 minutes (the middle should be wobbly). Remove from the bain marie and allow to come to room temperature.
75 grams California seedless red grapes
8 grams extra virgin olive oil
pinch of Maldon salt
1 bay leaf
1 cinnamon stick
1 inch piece of rosemary
a few grinds pepper
8 grams cabernet sauvignon vinegar
8 grams maple syrup
Place grapes, olive oil, cinnamon, bay leaf, rosemary, salt and pepper in a saute pan and place over medium-high heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the grapes brown and blister. Add the vinegar and the maple syrup and remove from the heat. Allow to cool to room temperature.
To Serve:
a few sprigs of watercress
truffle oil
pancetta - fried until crispy
brioche - sliced and toasted
To unmold the creme caramels, give them a little jiggle back and forth to loosen them within the ramekin. Place a plate over the top of the ramekin and flip it over, allowing the creme caramel to fall onto the plate. Add a little bit of flourish (and herbaceous goodness) with a few watercress sprigs and drizzle with truffle oil, and spoon some grapes around the mousse. Place a crispy piece of bacon next to the creme caramel and serve with toasted bread.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Brad Farmerie, Executive Chef of Public, 210 Elizabeth Street, New York, New York 10012
yields 60 pieces
1 pound of thick cut bacon
1½ cups of peanut sauce
1 can of coconut milk
1 teaspoon of sugar, to taste
cooking spray
Prepare the pan(s): Wrap a sheet pan with aluminum foil. Take a cooling rack that fits just inside the sheet pan and spray it with cooking spray and place on top of the sheet pan, or cookie sheet with sides. This is the ideal and easiest way to make this with the least mess and clean up. Especially if you’re making multiple batches. If you don’t have the cooling racks, at least wrap the sheet pan in foil. Note: You cannot make this on a flat cookie sheet.
Prepare the peanut sauce: Empty one can of coconut milk into a saucepan and add ½ cup of the peanut sauce and the sugar. Stir over medium high heat for about 15-20 minutes until sauce starts to boil and thicken. The sauce can burn easily, especially on the bottom, so keep a careful eye on it. It will thicken more upon cooling. It should be the consistency of a thick cream sauce.
Preheat oven to 375°F. Place 1 cup of the peanut sauce in shallow dish. Add strips of Bacon to dish and press mix against bacon and turn to coat completely on both sides. Transfer bacon strips to prepared pan. Bake bacon until cooked about 20-25 minutes. Keep an eye on it to make sure the coating doesn’t burn, it can happen very quickly. I will usually rotate the pan at least once to make sure everything cooks evenly. Transfer to separate rack and cool. Can be prepared 4 hours ahead. Cut cooked bacon into 2†pieces and thread onto skewers. Serve on tray with warmed peanut sauce.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Chef Amy Jurist, "Entertaining with Bacon!" demo, Surfas Los Angeles, 8777 West Washington Boulevard, Culver City, California 90232, October 11, 2009
1 pound of thick cut bacon
1½ cups of peanut sauce
1 can of coconut milk
1 teaspoon of sugar, to taste
cooking spray
Prepare the pan(s): Wrap a sheet pan with aluminum foil. Take a cooling rack that fits just inside the sheet pan and spray it with cooking spray and place on top of the sheet pan, or cookie sheet with sides. This is the ideal and easiest way to make this with the least mess and clean up. Especially if you’re making multiple batches. If you don’t have the cooling racks, at least wrap the sheet pan in foil. Note: You cannot make this on a flat cookie sheet.
Prepare the peanut sauce: Empty one can of coconut milk into a saucepan and add ½ cup of the peanut sauce and the sugar. Stir over medium high heat for about 15-20 minutes until sauce starts to boil and thicken. The sauce can burn easily, especially on the bottom, so keep a careful eye on it. It will thicken more upon cooling. It should be the consistency of a thick cream sauce.
Preheat oven to 375°F. Place 1 cup of the peanut sauce in shallow dish. Add strips of Bacon to dish and press mix against bacon and turn to coat completely on both sides. Transfer bacon strips to prepared pan. Bake bacon until cooked about 20-25 minutes. Keep an eye on it to make sure the coating doesn’t burn, it can happen very quickly. I will usually rotate the pan at least once to make sure everything cooks evenly. Transfer to separate rack and cool. Can be prepared 4 hours ahead. Cut cooked bacon into 2†pieces and thread onto skewers. Serve on tray with warmed peanut sauce.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Chef Amy Jurist, "Entertaining with Bacon!" demo, Surfas Los Angeles, 8777 West Washington Boulevard, Culver City, California 90232, October 11, 2009
Comfort Food: Beef and Noodles
It has been a long week.

Beef and Noodles
2 cups baby carrots
1 Tbsp butter
1-2 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 lb beef strips (I used milanesa style sliced sirloin)
1 ea shallot, peeled and diced
1/4 cup marsala wine
2 cups beef broth
1 cup water
2 springs thyme
2 tsp demi glace
slurry made from 2 Tbsp water 2 Tbsp corn starch
2 cups of cooked egg noodles (about a cup pre-cooked measurement)
Toss carrots in 1 Tbsp of melted butter and then roast them for 30 minutes in a 400f oven. I like to use a preheated cast iron griddle pan like this to get the sear marks. Flip them half way through the cooking time.

Meanwhile boil your noodles.
A heavy cast iron skillet works best for this dish. Have you ever noticed how most comfort foods are better when prepared via cast iron grates, dutch ovens, roasters or skillets?

Preheat a cast iron skillet and add your oil. Season your beef with salt and pepper. Working in small batches, sear your beef strips, tossing them rapidly to cook all sides. This should only take 1 minute or a little more for each batch. Remove cooked beef to a plate to rest.
Add a little more oil if necessary and saute the diced shallot for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. It probably took 3-5 minutes for mine to get the softened texture I was looking for.
Leaving the shallots in, deglaze the skillet with the marsala wine. Reduce heat and simmer until all but about 2 Tbsp has evaporated.
Stir in the beef broth & water, bring to a simmer. Cook uncovered until reduced by half (about 10-15 minutes).
Add the demi glace & thyme - simmer covered for 5 minutes. (Strip the leaves from the stem.)
Add the corn starch slurry as needed to thicken the sauce. Taste for seasoning (more salt and pepper if needed).
Return the beef and collected juices to the skillet. Add the cooked carrots. Cover and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
Add the noodles and serve.

I also made some mozzarella biscuits to go with this because comfort food requires biscuits.
I am desperately looking forward to this weekend so I can relax and have fun cooking at a relaxed pace. And maybe even eat dinner before 9pm!
Our average dinner time is around 8pm. I'd rather it be earlier but with our work schedules it doesn't work out. What time do you usually get dinner on the table? Any tricks for getting it done sooner?
I have been on the road and Alexis has been working more 12-hour shifts back to back at the hospital because she was helping a co-worker out by exchanging shifts. So dinner wasn't ready and served at 8:48 PM tonight.

Fortunately that was right when Alexis walked in the door from work. I was actually going to make beef stroganoff but I didn't have several ingredients so I used what we had on hand. This really isn't an exact recipe because I was just winging it and not measuring but it's pretty close. I think... maybe....kind of.
Beef and Noodles
2 cups baby carrots
1 Tbsp butter
1-2 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 lb beef strips (I used milanesa style sliced sirloin)
1 ea shallot, peeled and diced
1/4 cup marsala wine
2 cups beef broth
1 cup water
2 springs thyme
2 tsp demi glace
slurry made from 2 Tbsp water 2 Tbsp corn starch
2 cups of cooked egg noodles (about a cup pre-cooked measurement)
Toss carrots in 1 Tbsp of melted butter and then roast them for 30 minutes in a 400f oven. I like to use a preheated cast iron griddle pan like this to get the sear marks. Flip them half way through the cooking time.

Meanwhile boil your noodles.
A heavy cast iron skillet works best for this dish. Have you ever noticed how most comfort foods are better when prepared via cast iron grates, dutch ovens, roasters or skillets?

Preheat a cast iron skillet and add your oil. Season your beef with salt and pepper. Working in small batches, sear your beef strips, tossing them rapidly to cook all sides. This should only take 1 minute or a little more for each batch. Remove cooked beef to a plate to rest.
Add a little more oil if necessary and saute the diced shallot for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. It probably took 3-5 minutes for mine to get the softened texture I was looking for.
Leaving the shallots in, deglaze the skillet with the marsala wine. Reduce heat and simmer until all but about 2 Tbsp has evaporated.
Stir in the beef broth & water, bring to a simmer. Cook uncovered until reduced by half (about 10-15 minutes).
Add the demi glace & thyme - simmer covered for 5 minutes. (Strip the leaves from the stem.)
Add the corn starch slurry as needed to thicken the sauce. Taste for seasoning (more salt and pepper if needed).
Return the beef and collected juices to the skillet. Add the cooked carrots. Cover and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
Add the noodles and serve.

I also made some mozzarella biscuits to go with this because comfort food requires biscuits.
I am desperately looking forward to this weekend so I can relax and have fun cooking at a relaxed pace. And maybe even eat dinner before 9pm!
Our average dinner time is around 8pm. I'd rather it be earlier but with our work schedules it doesn't work out. What time do you usually get dinner on the table? Any tricks for getting it done sooner?
yields six servings
3 medium potatoes, peeled, washed and very thinly sliced
2 cups leeks, julienned
3 cups Napa cabbage, julienned
1/2 cup applewood bacon, diced
2 cups sauteed assorted sliced mushrooms
1 teaspoon garlic, chopped
1/2 stick of butter, melted
salt to taste
black pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Heat a large sauté pan and add the bacon, once the fat starts rendering out, add the leeks, garlic and Napa cabbage. Saute for 3 minutes; add the mushrooms. Season this mixture to taste, set aside. Place this mixture on a 9x12-inch baking pan and layer the potatoes evenly to cover the mixture completely. Melt the butter and drizzle over the potatoes; season again to taste. Place in the oven until the potatoes brown well, remove and let cool at room temperature. With a ring cutter, cut 1-1/2-inch circles, chop the excess; divide equally among half the rings. Place a ring from the uncovered half on top of the covered ones and reheat at 375 degrees F; serve immediately.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Tim Creehan, Beach Walk Restaurant, Crystal Beach, 2700 Scenic Highway 98 East, Destin, Florida | Idaho Potato Commission, 661 South Rivershore Lane, Suite 230, Eagle, Idaho 83616
3 medium potatoes, peeled, washed and very thinly sliced
2 cups leeks, julienned
3 cups Napa cabbage, julienned
1/2 cup applewood bacon, diced
2 cups sauteed assorted sliced mushrooms
1 teaspoon garlic, chopped
1/2 stick of butter, melted
salt to taste
black pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Heat a large sauté pan and add the bacon, once the fat starts rendering out, add the leeks, garlic and Napa cabbage. Saute for 3 minutes; add the mushrooms. Season this mixture to taste, set aside. Place this mixture on a 9x12-inch baking pan and layer the potatoes evenly to cover the mixture completely. Melt the butter and drizzle over the potatoes; season again to taste. Place in the oven until the potatoes brown well, remove and let cool at room temperature. With a ring cutter, cut 1-1/2-inch circles, chop the excess; divide equally among half the rings. Place a ring from the uncovered half on top of the covered ones and reheat at 375 degrees F; serve immediately.
bacon recipe courtesy of: Tim Creehan, Beach Walk Restaurant, Crystal Beach, 2700 Scenic Highway 98 East, Destin, Florida | Idaho Potato Commission, 661 South Rivershore Lane, Suite 230, Eagle, Idaho 83616
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